"Water Talks" Series was started by Asok Kumar on 22 March 2019, World Water day, as a lecture series on every second Friday of the month. In the first year it was held as a physical event in New Delhi, mostly at the Dr Ambedkar International Center, with about 200-300 water enthusiasts attending it. During the Covid-19 pandemic lock down period, it was continued as webinars on digital platform. Experts, Academicians, Activists, Practitioners - all were invited to share their experiences in water conservation. It became very popular that some talks got over2.5 million views! Encouraged by this, he started Water Tech Talks (every first Friday) to discuss about technological advances in water sector and then the "Water Biz Talk", every fourth Friday to discuss about business opportunities in water.
for more details pl visit https://nwm.gov.in/water-talk